Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy: The book that inspired me to go vegetarian.

Author: Maria Chzhen

Poster for Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy is very thought-provoking.

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows was published first in 2010, and fun fact: the idea is based on the doctoral dissertation of Melanie Joy. That is proof that all the points stated in Joy's books are proven and supported by trustworthy sources. The book is also straightforward and exciting to read and only has 200 pages, with 50 pages out of them just listing the sources (that is how reliable it is).

What is "Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs and Wear Cows" about? It is about several ideas. Quite similarly to Homo Deus but in more detail, the book describes the lives of millions of animals that die in slaughterhouses yearly, the cruelty that stands behind the process, and it partly explains why most of the people don't eat dogs, while still leaving the reader some leeway for thinking and connecting the dots.

Melanie Joy introduces us to a term called carnism. You know what vegetarianism is: it is when the person is not a meat-eater. But carnism is the exact opposite. Carnism is based on prejudice and violence against animals. Carnists aren't necessarily bad people; they may be people that don't know or prefer not to know what kind and severity of the violence are happening at the factories.

The meat-producing factories are a whole new level of violence. The brutality involved in the process is just absolutely unreal. If Melanie Joy got the level of savagery right, and you are still a carnist, you will question all the decisions you ever made concerning your diet. Many people that were exposed to this evil, violent system that kills innocent animals have PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. I will not explain everything that happens in these factories graphically and with details, because it is too brutal. I will say that the animals live in the worst conditions imagined with little to no hygiene and plenty of diseases. Then, they are brought to the slaughterhouses. Many animals get slaughtered there, but those who aren't (due to lack of training for the slaughterhouses' employees) are then boiled alive, and torn apart.

It should come as no surprise then that vegetarianism is getting so popular. You can substitute a lot of meat and food like burgers and chicken wings with something else. Something that doesn't require the death of a creature. And by the way, no attacking or pressure here, but are deaths of breathing beings worth satisfying your appetite?

The book is very thought-provoking. I recommend reading it.

Rating: 4.8/5

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