Comics Will Break your Heart

Author: Maria Chzhen

Comics Will Break Your Heart book review

Today I am going to talk about the book called "Comics Will Break Your Heart," written by Erin Faith Hicks.

The plot is set in a Nova Scotia town called Sandford. It is a small town, and when a new boy shows up, the main character Miriam Kendrick notices him at once. It is already apparent to see where this is going. The fresh boy, whose name is Weldon Warrick, comes into a store that Miriam works in. Everything is going great until Miriam finds out Weldon's full name. Why is this so important, you may ask? Well, the Kendricks and Warricks have an unpleasant history. Miriam's grandfather was a co-creator of a super-successful comic series "TomorrowMen," and he signed a regrettable deal for 900$ with the other co-creator, Weldon's grandfather. And the next year from the point of signature of this document, the Warrick Studio is planning to roll out a $200 million movie! The courts had seen many parts of the feud between these two men. In the end, the Warricks won while Miriam's family just had to watch someone else's pockets fill up.

But back to the plot: the grandchildren of these two men meet in Sandford, Canada. Can these teenagers overcome feud and family history and have a relationship? While the book does have a mood and tone of Romeo and Juliet, it isn't entirely just romance, butterflies in the stomach, or something cliche like that. It talks about Miriam and Weldon's homes and how they live. Weldon is a troublemaker and was unlikable in the beginning, I have to agree. But in the end, he just turned out to be a kid that lacks love and attention from his divorced parents. Miriam wants to go to university outside of the province to Toronto or Montreal. Everyone has their dreams and aspirations!

What I liked in this book was the integration with comics. Erin Faith Hicks is a big fan of comic books herself and has probably attended Comic-Con at least once in her life.

Overall: 7.5/10

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