Important Lessons The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People taught me

Author: Amon

Date: 21 May 2020

The seven habits of highly effective people book review

Before I discovered my interest in non-fiction books and psychology, I was living my life without thinking about "whether I like my life," "does my acting match my inside values," or "making my life better."

"The seven habits of highly effective people" is a must-read for everyone interested in developing themselves, finding their values, and becoming more effective in self- managing/leading. The book reveals how to be more successful in social life with the surrounding people, how to communicate in a better way, and how to get the best out of problems, conversations, and ideas. It made me think about my deepest values, purposes and strengths. Stephen Covey, the author of "the seven habits," separated his work into two significant parts, which are divided into three steps. I am going to give you a brief insight into "The private victory" and "The public victory" (the two parts the book is separated in).

Private victory is the first and most crucial part of becoming more effective, according to Stephen Covey. He says before trying to be successful in public life, it is important to define yourself and create a character with integrity and values you identify with. The first part of the book is all about yourself. Making decisions based on values and your conviction instead of acting reactively; many more techniques and suggestions are stated in "The seven habits of highly effective people." But most of all, the part of the private victory made me start thinking about who I am and who I want to be. One way to become more successful and effective with yourself is to concentrate on your sphere of influence. Dealing with mindset, self-developing or psychology, in general, gave me purpose: "Making the best of my life."

Before I discovered my interest in non-fiction books and psychology, I was living my life without thinking about "whether I like my life," "does my acting match my inside values," or "making my life better." When I summarize my life before dealing with my-self in one sentence, this sentence is: "I did not live my life before, my life lived me!". It might sound a bit extreme, but this is how it feels like to me. Taking control over yourself and the way you act is essential to becoming more effective and living a more valuable life.

The public victory is the second, and as it says, the "public" part of becoming highly effective. To start becoming more effective in the public and with other people, it is necessary to first focus on the private victory. You don't have to internalize all three steps described in the private victory. Still, it is helpful and essential to understand them and keep working on improving these abilities to succeed in the public victory. Public victory is about becoming more effective in social life. This victory includes the ability to hold a valuable conversation, finding solutions to everyone satisfied and getting the best out of problems and situations.

This part focuses on using your effectiveness to improve your communication with others and your actions in public life. I like how Steven Covey gives examples from everyday life. Most of the cases he shows are very common. He offers a simple solution for most of the daily life problems and deeper mental issues. The public victory is not only about getting more effective and satisfied with yourself; Covey also tells about how important it is to think about others, building relationships and general paradigms of social behaviour and coexistence. Reaching interdependence means not just being independent of others; it means knowing what you can get and what you can create when you work with others.

"Sharpen the saw" is the philosophy that keeps you physically, spiritually, mentally and socially/emotionally in good condition. That means you need to renew these four dimensions regularly. There is this beautiful story about a man whose goal was to cut a tree with his saw. He had already been sawing for a couple of hours when another man came by. He advised him to take a few minutes to sharpen his saw, but the sawing man just replied that he is too busy sawing to sharpen his tool.

This example reflects plenty of everyday situations, in which we are too busy with a task, and don't think about getting more efficient. Without taking time to think about what you are doing, how you do it and if you can do it better, you won't improve yourself or your acting, which is often essential to become happy with your life and find a purpose in life.

"The seven habits of highly effective people" doesn't present an entirely new way of thinking. Nevertheless, Steven Covey summarizes and gives his idea of becoming more effective in a very structured and easy way to understand. He goes with all of his examples and ideas in detail and makes understandable what he is thinking. There are a lot of nice little examples, stories and illustrations, which are lovely to read and still instructive. I enjoyed reading the book as well as listening to the audio version of it a lot.

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