Outbreak (1995): Detailed Movie Analysis

Author: Maria Chzhen

Date: 5 April 2020

Outbreak movie review. read outbreak reviews.

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Today, I will be talking about a 1995 movie called "Outbreak". As it is pretty obvious from the title, the movie is more relevant to the current events than usual, but it is still really interesting to watch. The movie was produced by Gail Katz and Arnold Kopelsen, and directed by Wolfgang Petersen. The main characters were played by Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo and Morgan Freeman, all three of whom are brilliant actors. I remember Dustin Hoffman from another movie called The Rain Man, and Morgan Freeman is basically in every tenth movie I watch.

"Outbreak" describes a deadly, fortunately imaginary, virus Motaba that came to California, Cedar Creek, from an African monkey. The monkey passed on the disease to several people and they died. But then, something unexpected happened. The virus mutated and became airborne! That means that Motaba can now infect people who aren't protected through air. The main characters, scientists Robby and Sam, who are also divorced, now have to work together to prevent the virus from spreading and figure out the cure fast.

I won't tell you much else to prevent spoiling, but I will tell you about my feelings. During the movie, I wasn't bored even for a second. There is always something going on, some issues that you hope get resolved. Dustin Hoffman did an amazing job in the movie. While the movie may not have made the panic seem as big, compared to the current, much-less dangerous coronavirus, you have to acknowledge that the movie was still intense.

Buy the movie cheaply on Amazon!