Death Cure - Reader Maria
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The Death Cure

This is an article about the book called the Death Cure by James Dashner. It is the third and final book in the Maze Runner trilogy. And on the back, it says: "The Time for Lies Is Over." It is indeed over.(No, not really).

It is more interesting than the Scorch Trials, the second book, to be frank with you. It actually made a lot more sense to me, opened many cards and I could just catch up to the plot easier. It was written in 2011, not that far away in time.

First of all, before we get to the plot... Have you ever thought about global warming as something that does something else other than warming up everything? I am 80% sure you haven't. But James Dashner has thought about it and even wrote a trilogy. The Maze Runner trilogy is The New York Times bestseller and talks mostly about the issue that happened to the world - the Flare. What is the Flare? It is supposedly a disease that is spread through air and sun-flares. It turns you into an animal and takes away all humanity in you. There is a group of special people called WICKED. They are as wicked as they look. Ever since the boys and girls got out of the Maze, they have been treated very badly. Variables, reactions to them, mind-controllers... All of this is very unnerving. Everyone in the group was manipulated at least once. Also, once they get out of the Maze, they all catch Flare, but most of them are immune to it. Except some people. And it was very sad to read about people who knew they weren't immune to the Flare. And their friends' reaction to these news. Brr, that is difficult. But the crew is still up and they need to find the cure from death, the Death Cure. A lot of bad things happen, but a lot of good things also happen. As we discover, the boys had chips in their heads that let WICKED control them. Now, they (the chips) got disabled. I guess that is good. Wait what happens next!

It is one of those series that don't really end well. Just saying! You should be aware.

My overall feelings towards this particular book are fine, I guess. Though it wasn't one of those books that really makes you want to draw fanarts. That is just my opinion, but I liked Home for Unwanted Girls more.