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An Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian

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An Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian is a book that is similar to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid in style. It is also written in a diary-ish way and has some funny sketches. It was written by Alexie Sherman. Though it is considered a book for teens, it is more for adults. Many issues were described there. There are many deaths there. I don't really know if our English teacher really read the book before giving it to our group :). The story is about a kid called Arnold Junior Spirit, which is his last name. He is 15 years old and Indian. Also, he has a few disabilities and calls himself broken because of that. Arnold lives on the "rez" with other Indians. He wishes to live somewhere else, to go to other places. Basically, just to get out of the place where Indians have very little chance of prospering and succeeding in life. At the age of 15, Arnold gets a life chance of going to a school outside of the rez, that could mean he would go to college and have a successful life! But let me tell you a little story on how he came to that point. During his first day in the rez school, Arnold was really glad he got to have a nice textbook. But then, as he almost started kissing the book (do not ask me questions, please), he saw that it belonged to his mother. He got so mad that he threw the textbook on the wall but hit the teacher instead. I think, Arnold broke the nose of the teacher. After getting suspended for a week the teacher, Mr. P, comes to Arnold's home and starts confessing about all the Indian lives he helped ruin. He tells Arnold to start getting out of this place. Starting with changing schools. So in the next few days Arnold moves his documents and himself to Reardan - a school outside of rez. After that, Arnold meets many new people, his new brilliant friend Gordy and the "love of his life" Penelope. This book has taught me that we need to look out after our friends and to be able to look at everyone from other people's point of view.

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