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Little Women

This article is about Louisa May Alcott's book called Little Women and a 1994 movie based on it. The book is actually very old and was written in 1868. I know, it is not really usual of me to talk about very old books but I couldn't miss out on this one. Let's get on with the plot!

Little Women is based loosely on true events. It is half-fiction, half-autobiography. The setting takes place in mid-1800s in USA. It is about a family during the Civil War. The father left for the war and the kids were left home. The book only tells us about the life of the kids, 4 sisters and their mother. They all love each other very much and they have a friend, Laurie. I would have talked to you about how important it is to be a good family and to be able to love unconditionally and forgive each other, but I think that this is not the most important thing in this exact case. Of course, these things are very important but that is not what Louisa May Alcott wrote the book for, in my opinion.

I think the mainest character of them all is Jo. She is very cool, in my opinion. Let me describe her in a few words - tomboy, bookworm, feminist, very pretty (applicable in the movie). It is just my conclusion that she is the most important character because Louisa May Alcott based herself on Jo. Sorry, I mean Jo was based on Louisa, not vice versa. I think, for a better review, I also need to tell you about the other sisters. There are Meg, Beth and Amy. Their age difference is not very big, a few years, which means they can get along with each other quite well.

Also, they didn’t study in school, although they did study by themselves. You see, they lived in the time when women were not full members of society. They could not vote, had a low chance of getting a high education and were just treated unfairly. I think that was not right and I do wish that the situation has changed and progress has come.